I’m just getting into recipe testing and this was so helpful! How do you find your expert and novice testers?

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I’m a bit spoiled, because I happened to be on a TV show with 8 incredible bakers, so they’re my expert testers. I sent out a call to folks in my network (friends, family, etc.) and created a sign-up form for potential novice testers.

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Aug 21Liked by Martin Sorge

Oh man, Im a home cook and have always wondered how this process works. This was super interesting! I never considered outside testing but it makes complete sense. Question: what do you do with all the extra cake you have lying around? Do you gift it to your friends and neighbours? They must be so happy 😂

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Thanks for the shoutout! Your recipe development and testing process looks thorough! I think my readers would like to know about this for the Sept. 1 newsletter. I will link.

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I always set the recipes aside for a while as well- it’s hard to stop tweaking but when I look with fresh eyes I make better decisions!!

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A great tip for any kind of writing really.

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Thats true

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A universal piece of advice.

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Love the tip for the crisp/crumble/cobbler filling. I've been wanting to test an apricot crisp for the longest time, but I wasn't sure how to go about measuring the fruit. Great tips!

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