Love this and fully relate. I am That English Major, too.

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Thanks, Lukas. I never regret that English degree.

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Thank you so much for the shoutout, Martin. I enjoyed learning about your start in the food writing world. Look how far you’ve come!

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Thank YOU, Dianne! You gave me the confidence and skills to give it a go.

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A lovely post on all counts, save one: dump. An utterly detestable word. 😖 (unless we are talking about a place to leave your garbage. Then it is both useful and practical.)

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Thank you, Erin. (Though I will not give up on the silly word dump.)

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This post has it all - story, method, and tips. Thanks for this little ray of sunshine on my Saturday!

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Thank you so much!

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Jun 29Liked by Martin Sorge

This is such a great description and solid direction on how to write a recipe that isn’t simply a set of instructions but also includes your personality and creativity.

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Thank you, Jen!

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